YouTube has improved its app home feed design with better recommendations for Android and iOS devices. The developer team also added bumper ads for short YouTube videos.
YouTube App Gets Better Recommendations For Android And iOS
YouTube has improved its app home feed design with better recommendations for Android and iOS devices. The developer team also added bumper ads for short YouTube videos.

Till now users saw a similar home feed design on Android and iOS app same as desktop home feed design. However, after update users can see better-recommended videos and author images with small text title and style on YouTube app's home feed design.

YouTube says
The app is now showing better recommendations to app users and the recommended engine takes into account with several new factors such as user location, history, device type, and account. Our developers are also working on deep neural technology to make better recommendations after users watch a video.
The new recommendations system is based on deep neural network technology which can find patterns automatically and keep learning as it goes. Meanwhile, the app also got 'Bumper ads updated on YouTube app. A Bumper ad is a 6-second advertisement that would run before playing a video, but cannot be skipped.

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