Most of the desktop users surf internet regularly but doesn't know how to use it properly with available shortcuts. Here are the top 10 tips and tricks for enhancing your overall internet surfing experiencing.
Top 10 Tips And Tricks For Enhancing Your Internet Surfing Experience
Most of the desktop users surf internet regularly but doesn't know how to use it properly with available shortcuts. Here are the top 10 tips and tricks for enhancing your overall internet surfing experiencing.

Use Tabbed Browsing

When browsing the internet, it’s highly advisable that you take full advantage of tabs. While reading an article or browsing a website, it’s not uncommon for users to stumble upon a link that interests them. With tabs, you can open such links in a new tab, without interrupting your current surfing experience.

The quickest way to open a link in a new tab is to hold down the Ctrl key and left click (with your mouse) on the link. Additionally, you can open a new blank tab by pressing Ctrl + T.

Don’t Use the http:// Part

When typing a website address into your internet browser, discard the http:// portion. For example, instead of typing into the Address Bar, just type

Another faster method entails typing teckop into the URL Address Bar and pressing Ctrl + Enter.

Use Add-ons

All of the latest browsers grant the user with the ability to enhance their surfing experiencing through the use of add-ons. These add-ons are effective to dramatically increase the functionality of the browser. Weather plug-ins, ad blockers, download accelerators are just some of the many cool features available to you.

Use an Alternative Browser

For first-time computer users, it’s not uncommon for your first introduction to internet surfing to be on the Internet Explorer browser (for Microsoft Windows users). That’s not to say, there’s anything wrong with Internet Explorer, but that should be for you to figure out, by trying out all of the top internet browsers.

Take Advantage of the Search Engines

Try and take full advantage of all the capabilities of the major search engines. If you are having difficulties finding something, then searching, while using quotes within the search terms is something you should attempt.

For example, if you were to search for Google Help without quotes, it would return results for both Google and Help. However, using the same search term with quotes like “Google Help”, then it would only return results for titles with Google Help in them.

Keep Your Browser Up To Date

Internet browsers are capable of supporting plug-ins which are designed to increase their capabilities. For example, the Adobe Flash plug-in enables the browser to view flash content. Keeping the browser up-to-date involves not only updating the browser itself, but also the many plug-ins that are required to keep your surfing experience both secure and stable. 

Bookmark Pages

It’s not uncommon for a user to find an amazing website, only to forget the sites URL the very next day. This is why bookmarking websites are so important. When you bookmark a website, it will create a little shortcut to that site on your toolbar, which you can use to return to the site, with a simple click of your mouse.

The method of bookmarking your pages tends to vary, depending on the internet browser that you’re using, but the general rule remains the same. With that said, the quickest way to bookmark a page is to press Ctrl and D, this should bring up the bookmark menu applet, from where you can name the link and specify its storage location.

Update Your Security Software

Probably the last thing we think about, but crucially important. A good antivirus scanner can be the difference between a properly working system and one with viruses, errors and various other negative vices. Always ensure your antivirus software is running and up-to-date with the latest virus definitions.

If for some reason you do not have an antivirus scanner on your computer, then I recommend you immediately purchase and download one today.

Search Directly From the Browser

One way of making your surfing experience truly seamless is by using the URL address bar as a search engine. Simply type your queries into it and it should immediately give you the search results using the specified search engine.

Most internet browsers are configured to default to Google, but it is possible to change this. There are a number of search engines out there, so choose whichever works best for you.

Use Online Services

There are tons of different online services that you can use to enhance your overall computing experiences; services such as email, online storage, word translation, are just some of the many cool things that you can take advantage of, while online.

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