OMO has introduced Peggy, the world's smartest clothes peg to inform you the suitable conditions for drying clothes. Peggy is currently in the testing stage was unveiled recently in the Australian market.
Peggy, The World's Smartest Clothes Peg From OMO
OMO has introduced Peggy, the world's smartest clothes peg to inform you the suitable conditions for drying clothes. Peggy is currently in the testing stage was unveiled recently in the Australian market.

The company has started inviting customers to register on their official website. Peggy will be supplied on a first come first serve basis to the registered customers once the testing process completes.

Peggy has got in-built light, temperature, humidity sensors inside the body which can detect all the weather conditions for drying and washing clothes. It also contains WiFi module to send and receive information on your app.

Since the Peggy marketed by OMO, the relevant connected app with best features that help you with your wash cycle. Depending on the wash load, the app calculates the time that will be taken for washing and dry the clothes.

To charge (li-ion battery) your Peggy, you need to connect microUSB cable to the USB charge port located on the bottom. But the company has not declared anywhere about the battery backup and doesn't even mention about the price and water proof information of the product.

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