FoldiMate unveils Robotic Laundry Folding Machine to fold your clothes easily. This might be a bit weird to hear but it's true, you no longer need to waste your valuable time folding clothes.
FoldiMate Unveils Robotic Laundry Folding Machine
FoldiMate unveils Robotic Laundry Folding Machine to fold your clothes easily. This might be a bit weird to hear but it's true, you no longer need to waste your valuable time folding clothes.

FoldiMate has best features like easy to use, neatly folding, save time, treatment, de-wrinkling. Most of us don't have time to do it manually every time but this robotic machine can do it in certain time.

It works pretty easily just hang your clothes (15-20 depending on the size and feeding speed) to the clip for folding, which could be similar to handling the clothes to your friend or family. Then leave it off to the machine it will start working on folding your clothes inside just by adding steam for de-wrinkling, perfume, soften, and sanitize even.

Finally, take your folded clothes are reserve them in your shelf. Have more clothes to fold! then start initiating the process again.

You can register by entering your email ID on the official website to pre-order Foldimate (Target Price $700 - $800) but note that the product will start shipping from 2017.

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