Google giant has updated a new feature that makes you hear what does the animal say. This feature is going to impress many people and children who like to hear the sound of the animal which they like.
Google Search Lets You Hear What Does The Animal Say
Google giant has updated a new feature that makes you hear what does the animal say. This feature is going to impress many people and children who like to hear the sound of the animal which they like.

Now you can simply hear the sound of animals by searching for "what does the lion say" or "animal sounds". You can see the sound label with the image of the animal, where you need to click on the image and it starts playing the sound.

Google has updated 19 animals sounds including ape, bowhead whale, cat, cow, duck, elephant, horse, humpback whale, lion, moose, owl, pig, raccoon, rooster, sheep, tiger, turkey and zebra. This feature works perfectly on Google Search app, Chrome browser, Desktop, Android and iOS devices.

Besides this Google Search is working on a new feature that makes people vote on contests directly from Google Search results. Google search has released a feature in the last month to the users to easily save and sort the images on desktop.

Come let's try this and enjoy the happiness which we felt when we were a small kid.

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