Google Play family has many of the services like Google Play, Play Store, Play Movies and TV, Play Music, Play Games, Play Books and Play Newsstand. These apps are helping people around the world with the categories Apps, Games and Entertainment.
Google Updates New Look For Google Play Family Of Apps
Google Play family has many of the services like Google Play, Play Store, Play Movies and TV, Play Music, Play Games, Play Books and Play Newsstand. These apps are helping people around the world with the categories Apps, Games and Entertainment.

Google has recently updated the logo images of the family apps, which look much user-friendly. When installing apps we can see the Play Store logo, watching movies we see Movies and TV logo, playing music we see Music logo, playing  games we see Games logo, reading books we see Books logo and when reading news we see Newsstand logo.

Google's official android blog says,
In the coming weeks users around the world will see the updated logos on their devices. And we hope you will continue enjoying these family products.
We can see all these dedicated apps along with Play Store app and these apps are going to have a new consistent look across the entire family of apps.

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