Facebook has filed a new patent earlier this month, reveals that company wants to replace emoji with your face. Is that possible to replace your photos without uploading them?
Facebook Wants To Replace Emoji With Your Face
Facebook has filed a new patent earlier this month, reveals that company wants to replace emoji with your face. Is that possible to replace your photos without uploading them?

Yes it is possible using facial technology. Facebook wants to sort through your tagged tagged photos to find faces that best suit the emoji you meant to use. In the above image, you can see confused emoji was replaced with the photo of a person.

Since Facebook is experimenting its machine to learn how to recognize faces in photos without the need of users to tag each other or themselves. If it doesn't work then it would also encourage users to upload and tag themselves in their photos more often to have a better pool of emoji options.

However, this is just a patent note so we don't need to get much excited until Facebook announce it officially. Till then we can have fun with the new emoji's which are currently running.

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