We have seen the old look of the Gmail, as the design was beautiful but not as easy as it should be. Now the developers have created a new look for Gmail email service with some creative design.

3 Best Features Of New Gmail Email Service
We have seen the old look of the Gmail, as the design was beautiful but not as easy as it should be. Now the developers have created a new look for Gmail email service with some creative design. Many services are changing their design according to the new generation and technology.

In next few weeks, Google (GOOG) will roll out a new Gmail Inbox with some suitable tweaks to make users like it more.

As Gmail was launched in 2004, It has became a most popular email service and serving the users without any crashes and been successful till now. It is having millions of users and still many new users are coming up to join. It is having more number of users in the US compared to other countries.

3 best features that will attract users:

1. Tabs

Advanced users who already have their email sorted into folders might unable to find this feature, but the rest of them can. Gmail`s new look for sorting out messages could make our lives less cluttered. Inbox will split into categories - Primary (messages from people who regularly contact), Social (messages from social networks), and Updates (messages from reminders and receipts). These categories are tabbed on top of the emails in Inbox.

2. Auto-Scrolling

The intelligent filtering out technology will categorize the messages into different categorized tabs. The algorithm will organize their emails for them by sorting and filtering out all the spam emails.

3. Don`t Like It! Opt Out

The users who have adopted the new Gmail design can opt out from the new look at any time by heading in to the settings, represented by small cog icon in the upper-right hand corner and clicking 'configure Inbox' from here. It`s just for choosing the tab categories you would like to appear in your Inbox. Users can easily opt out or revert back to the previous version.

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