On June 4th, Google is going to host their yearly digital leadership summit on "thinkDoubleClick". With all the new conversations about the upcoming future of digital marketing and media, and you are invited here to join via a live stream by registering over on this website.
Conversation About Upcoming Digital Marketing And Media With Google
On June 4th, Google is going to host their yearly digital leadership summit on "thinkDoubleClick". With all the new conversations about the upcoming future of digital marketing and media, and you are invited here to join via a live stream by registering over on this website.

ThinkDoubleClick - DoubleClick Insights is a meeting for all senior executives from agency or advertiser and publisher to discuss the industry trends on the digital marketing ecosystem.

Google announces, every senior executive has the opportunity to join the conversation through the social media on Tuesday i.e on June 4th at 9 am - noon PDT. Start your conversion by using #thinkDCLK hash and commenting during the live stream at 'The Double Click YouTube Channel' which is powered by Google.

Some of the questions that cover in Digital Marketing such as

  1. How do creative things influence, but not be beaten by technology to deliver next-generation consumer? 
  2. What are the unique experiences do publishers develop that add value to consumers and advertisers alike? 
  3. How to CMOs best use social with other marketing channels to buildu9 strong brands?

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