Google is the most advanced company on technology, which always try its best to bring development around the world.
Google India To Teach Enginners About Cloud And Mobile Computing
Google is the most advanced company on technology, which always try its best to bring development around the world. Now Google is trying to improve the minds of engineering students under the mobile and cloud computing. This would be helpful for new engineers in Andhra Pradesh state who apply for JKC.

Google is on many locations all over the world, Google India Private Limited wants to educate the engineering students in Andhra Pradesh on Mobile and Cloud Computing technologies. Google India sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Andhra Pradesh government to train engineering students of Jawaharlal Knowledge Centers (JKC).

As per agreement rules, Google also trains the trainers and mentors at the Andhra Pradesh Society For Knowledge Networks and provide the required software, services and training material for free of cost. The government owned APSFKNW runs only on selected engineering colleges which have applied for JKC.

Google Inc, has set its research and development center in Hyderabad which occupied over 8 lakh square feet built up space and employees close to 3,000 software professionals working under the company located in 3 IT parks.

Google gave a statement - "The Andhra Pradesh state has provided twenty acres of land to Google India for setting up their campus. Google also pledged to employ more than 6,000 software professionals in their new campus".

So, students go and join in JKC to get support from Google and get selected in the same company.

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