The Indian government has made Bharat Operating System Solutions OS on Make in India Mission. BOSS is a Linux based OS which was launched in 2007, the current version of this OS is 5.0.
Indian Government To Launch Its Own Operating System
The Indian government has made Bharat Operating System Solutions OS on Make in India Mission. BOSS is a Linux based OS which was launched in the year 2007, and the current version of this OS is 5.0.

BOSS was developed by National Resource Centre for Free as an Open Source Software (NRCFOSS) of India at CDAC in Chennai. BOSS supports 20 Indian languages and was developed keeping the mind on various security and operational issues.

BOSS was endorsed by the Indian government and adapted to implement in all government offices all over India. As the OS is made using Linux and was successfully certified by Linux Foundation. BOSS had been initially developed especially for PC, not yet announced about mobile OS.

As per Edward Snowden's,
India is one of the most watched nation in the world, especially by US and China. We have watched that most of the crucial information were stolen by Chinese hackers, and they were to break into Indian Government servers very easily.
For this main reason, BOSS developed the OS with Linux, where it provides more security than other OS. Indian Government to replace Windows with BOSS OS to build a better protection and security to its data.

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