Google has updated Google Photos web app with two new features, easy upload and keyboard shortcuts. Google giant has introduced these features to save precious time of web users by uploading the photos from PC into an album directly, including shared ones.
Google Photos New Easy Upload And Keyboard Shortcuts Features For Web
Google has updated Google Photos web app with two new features, easy upload and keyboard shortcuts. Google giant has introduced these features to save precious time of web users by uploading the photos from PC into an album directly, including shared ones.

The new update indicates users while opening the app with the clear brief description on how to use the new updated version. The keyboard shortcuts are categorized into General, Photo Editing, and Actions. Under these categories, the following options are inherited.


  • Left and Right arrows to display previous or next photo.
  • x will Select the photo.
  • Esc (Escape) button to go back or close or deselect the photo.
  • / (Slash) button to Search your photos.

Photo Editing

  • o (not zero its Oooo..) will show original photo not edited one.
  • a will apply auto enhance the photo.
  • up button + r to rotate the photo.


  • # (Hash) button will delete the photo.
  • e will edit a photo.
  • z or + and - to zoom in and zoom out the photo.
  • i will show and hide the info of the photo.
  • up arrow + delete a photo.
This is going to be more user-friendly and help all the web users to view and edit the photos stored in Google Photos app.

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