Many users of Windows 7 and 8 are so happy with their current version of Windows. This would be the primary reason for many users to stop the OS upgrading to windows 10 with unknown secret updates installed.
Stop Your PC Upgrading To Windows 10 Automatically
Many users of Windows 7 and 8 are so happy with their current version of Windows. This would be the primary reason for many users to stop the OS upgrading to windows 10 with unknown secret updates installed.

The grace of this Never 10 utility is that it does not install any software of its own. The utility software simply and quickly performs the required system editing its user.

The software displays different messages as below

  1. If the system is older than July 2015 release and configured, which means that the Upgrade Disable options are not present for this system. Then it will display a message and offers to download and install the required update so that windows can be configured and not upgrade itself to windows 10.
  2. If Microsoft's Get Windows 10 (GWX) had already downloaded secretly on the system in a hidden directory. Never 10 will find the exact count of the files download and allow users to remove all those files with a single click.
Since the utility simply configures and update the OS updates, it can be deleted after the system configured successfully.

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