Every online users must check for security before entering any details or websites. Some of the websites may trace your details and location which relates to user security.
Install A Plugin To Stop Websites Tracking You Online
Every online users must check for security before entering any details or websites. Some of the websites may trace your details and location which relates to user security.

Eff has announced their release of Privacy Badger 1.0 version for Chrome and Firefox browsers. This extension automatically blocks all the spying ads and invisible trackers that would spy your browsers. The company has release their first version before and now they have released the latest verion with new improvements including UI improvements, detecting super-cookies, browser stability, translating up to 4 languages and browser fingerprinting.

How Does it work?

As the user install the plugin on their browser Chrome or Firefox, Privacy Badger looks for the third party domains to check whether they appear or not appear to be tracking you. It conclude that third party domain is a tracker and blocks the future connections.

For certain websites, if this plugin blocks the entire domain it would break the website functionality. If the Privacy Badger plugin blocks the licensebuttons.net and creativecommons buttons would no longer load. In these cases, it will block the domain cookies and settings but not the embedded content.

Privacy Badger 1.0 works with Do Not Track policy announced earlier this week by Adblock, Eff, DuckDuckGo, Disconnect, Medium and Mixpanel, Until the online tracking industry changes its ways, the only option for user is to use these types of tools to protect themselves.

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