Blueair Company has recently announced their new product which can analyze and purify the air we breathe, This Swedish Air Purification Company has come up with great products namely Blueair Sense, Classic and Pro in India.
Blueair Company Launches a New Air Purification System
Blueair Company has recently announced their new product which can analyze and purify the air we breathe, This Swedish Air Purification Company has come up with great products namely Blueair Sense, Classic and Pro in India. They have also released other products like air monitors and filters.

Blueair said
We believe that clean air is a basic human right and every breath of fresh air gives us energy, strength, health and serenity.
Many researchers from the WHO have found that there is a sudden increment of mortality rates in India and China which appeared due to highly polluted particles around the countries.

The company has showed a horizontal image on the website to display the internal behavior of the purifier. As the purification system start glowing blue light if the air is pure and will glow orange light if there are more polluted particles.

Blueair uses HEPASilent Technology, which is a combination of electrostatic and mechanical filtration process. As the Sense plus cleans the air in a 200 sq. ft. room with the short intervals up to 5 times in a hour.

The product price seems to be higher but the product seems to be perfect and soon may we have to adopt such technology to counter the polluted or toxic air we breathe.

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