We have many compressor tools over online and offline, in which few are popular and best tools in compressing the image size without any loss to the picture quality.
Compress Image Without Any Loss Of Picture Quality Using Compressor.io
We have many compressor tools over online and offline, in which few are popular and best tools in compressing the image size without any loss to the picture quality. Let discuss Compressor.io, an online tool which compress and optimize the images up to 90% file size reduction with the same quality of pixels of the original image.

Compressor.io is a powerful online tool for drastically reducing the image size and maintaining the same quality of the original image. The user can experience the difference before and after the compression with a sliding bar.

Compress.io supports 4 file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF and SVG. It includes lossless and lossy types of compression which can save hundreds of Kb size of the image and your disk space or cloud store.

Steps for using online Compressor.io tool:

  1. Enter into the link which is shown above.
  2. Click Try It to start compressing your image.
  3. Select the compression type whether Lossy or Lossless(supports only for JPEG and PNG).
  4. Upload the image to compress then view the difference then save it by downloading the file.
Hope you all like this tool and start compressing your huge size of images into small size without any loss to the images.

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