Skylock is an Intelligent and a new style locking system to protect your parking bicycle from strangers or thieves. Skylock connects with your mobile device to lock or unlock for more security and safety.
You Lock The Bicycle After Finishing A Ride, I Will Unlock To Start My Ride By Paying -
Skylock is an Intelligent and a new style locking system to protect your parking bicycle from strangers or thieves. Skylock connects with your mobile device to lock or unlock for more security and safety, and this intelligent system doesn't need a key.

As we all know that buying a new bicycle makes a loss to our pocket money and if the bike has been stolen then everything is over. To overcome this situation creator of 'Skylock' started a new bike-sharing program which allows the users to rent a bike on demand for the nearest point.

They are looking to price it for $2 per transaction. Skylock is a connected lock system which allows users to connect it with their phone. Skylock prices $ 249 with a highlighted feature that sends notifications to your account when someone trying to steal or if you met with an accident, it can also power up itself with the help of that can store the charging for a week. Skylock also makes the users buy for a pre-order pricing $ 159 for a limited time period only.

Skylock unlocks the lock once gets the indication from the rider's phone. The rider will be charged a flat rate for every 30 sec of their trip. Skylock sends you notifications using Bluetooth or WiFi if any disturbance occurs to your bicycle.

The benefit of Skylock intelligent system is that it works using GPS, and a rider can lock his bicycle at parking place where he can park in a geo-fenced area in a city from his application. The next rider searches for the nearest availability of the bicycle as start his ride. You can also reserve the bicycle at the parking if you want to go for shopping, service charges apply. It is been designed on the toughest military standards that can withstand even if someone try to break the lock.

Jack Al-Kahwati - CEO of Velo Labs said,
The company is connecting all the municipalities, cities, and junctions in two unnamed countries in Asia. Anyone can earn by renting their bikes, even you can be an affiliate by getting a revenue share of 15 percent for use of Skylocks.
The company is planning to launch this program firstly in San Francisco, after the success of the pilot program.

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