Recently a phone called Freedom 251 has released a order now option to customers for buying the product at Rs. 251. There was huge response by customers to get the product as many of them have booked but not yet received the confirmation link to buy the product.
Government To Take Action against Ringing Bells If Fail To Deliver
Recently, a phone called Freedom 251 has released a order now option to customers for buying the product at Rs. 251. There was huge response by customers to get the product as many of them have booked but not yet received the confirmation link to buy the product.

As per the Hindu report, Communications and IT Minister Ravi S Prasad said
we have received lot of communication raising doubts over the company and on their plan. we are doing an inquiry that how prepared they are and whether they can provide the delivery of the product with the price mentioned or not and do they have BIS certification or not.
Following to the query, the Department heads of Ringing Bells Pvt Ltd. have met the government officials and explain their business model. The department will have to examine these responses made by them.

The minister added
They have said they will deliver the product as promised and we have taken a stock of their preparedness so that there won't be any discrepancy later. If they fail to deliver from April they as per the law an action will be taken on the company.
However, the company claims that they have received 6 crore people registrations for its product. And has made a promise that they are going to deliver 50 lakh handsets by June 30, 2016. Out of which 25 lakh will be through online orders and the rest are offline sales.

We should wait till April and await for the next confirmation details about the product delivery.

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