Fast charging a smartphone is the trending technology these days, but somehow that was not charging up the battery fully. Huawei has developed a fast charging technology, which can charge 3000mah smartphone battery up to 50% within 5 minutes and 600mah battery up to 68 % in 2 minutes.
Huawei Develops A New Ultimate Fast Charging Technology For Mobile Battery
Fast charging a smartphone is the trending technology these days, but somehow that was not charging up the battery fully. Huawei has developed a fast charging technology, which can charge 3000mah smartphone battery up to 50% within 5 minutes and 600mah battery up to 68 % in 2 minutes.

We all know that Huawei works only on smartphones, but now the company has proved that it can also create new smart charging batteries for mobile on the 56th Battery Symposium in Japan last week.

In our previous post about StoreDot, this claimed that charging a smartphone fully takes less than a minute. Adopting this technology can damage the shelf life of the battery and may decrease the charge cycles, but Huawei says that it doesn't happen in this case with its new battery.

Wattlab lab is owned by Huawei Technology Corporation, developed this smart charging technology and shows a demo video which tells that it can charge its new battery 10 times faster than the common battery. The test was demonstrated on batteries which can charge using standalone chargers.

Huawei says officially that it uses heteroatoms, which are not equal to carbon or hydrogen were used to increase the charging the battery. These heteroatoms not only charge the battery but protect the battery cycles from any damage in the due course of the charging test.

In the above image we can see that a different charger was used, the company has not mentioned about how was the charger prepared and materials used in it. So let's hope that company will reveal the secret as soon as possible either by an image or a sample video.

Huawei is self-assured that this technology is a breakthrough in charging the batteries. They also said that this technology will soon be implemented on smartphones, laptops and other devices.

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