Google App is ready to answer all the types of questions you ask on the Google Search, announced by Product Manager in the official blog post.
Google App Gets Ready To Answer All Your Questions
Google App is ready to answer all the types of questions you ask on the Google Search, announced by Product Manager in the official blog post. Google says that the most the complex questions will get solved now with the Knowledge Graph.

Google started looking into the problem since from 2008 with voice search. Google prepared the app like child who learns how to talk saying "mama", "papa", and graduated by answering to the simple and complex questions of people with Knowledge Graph.Google is now growing up little more, the Google app is now starting to understand the exact meaning of the question in natural language also.

Google has developed in a way that first it understands superlatives like "smaller", "smallest". Then coming to second it understands about the particular point of the question and meaning. Finally, after understanding the complex question like "who was the heroine in Titanic" it starts providing answers related to heroine's list and about movie,

When Teckop started testing with complex mathematical questions like "how old is Satya Nadella", "how old is Sachin Tendulkar", it works perfect telling their age. Also, we have asked few different and complex questions "who is the founder of Facebook", "how much is 2*2", "what is the scientific name of human", "mobile invented by whom", and we have got the exact answers which we are looking for.

You can also see the image when we asked about "Google", it started showing the domain and describing itself on the right side saying about the CEO, headquarters, Founders, CEO and social media profiles,

Google said that engineers are continuously working on the app to make smarter and more efficient. Hope you are so curious to know how does it works, use Google App now on all your devices to find the answers to your complex questions.

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