We all have seen many types of doors at our workplace, home and shopping malls. But some of the doors give the problem to open and to close while a person enters or exits.
Japan's Research Work On Automatic Star Trek Doors In Reality
We all have seen many types of doors at our workplace, home and shopping malls. But some of the doors give the problem to open and to close while a person enters or exits. To overcome this problem, Japan's university of Electro-Communications and Hukuyo Automatic Company have succeeded in making the automatic intelligent sliding doors.

The Star Trek doors are having the 3D time of flight laser scanner custom sensor which is coupled with algorithms to detect the people coming near to it. The technology used for this door aims and makes an educated guess about whether the person is approaching the door.

There are two major improvements done in the doors:

  1. First the door will open without any lag, for those people who intend to go through it and
  2. Second is the speed, width and time of opening the door by the people through their movement.
The sensor easily estimates the time at which a person arrive at the door and starts openings once you arrive near the door. If a person is in a hurry the sensor automatically estimates the time of arrival and increases the opening speed of the door. It can also open if a number of people going to enter it. The sensor is designed to function in places with ambient light ranging from sunlight to night darkness. The software can compensate for rain, snow and water on the sensor itself and interface from the other nearest devices.

The only disadvantage for this door is in doesn't what to do decide if you pause in front of the door otherwise it would be almost same as Star Trek door.

The researchers expect that this custom sensor door will cost about $1000. Hope as the days pass on the cost of the hardware and parts also decrease in price, so that we can think of using these doors when they arrive in the market for purchasing.

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