Skype is one of the popular video calling services; it was available for Windows Phone, Android and now launches a new version of the app to iOS.
Skype 5.0 Now Rolls Out From Windows Phone To iOS
Skype is one of the popular video calling services; it was available for Windows Phone, Android and now launches a new version of the app to iOS. It is been redesigned and added with all the advanced features to make it user-friendly. Skype 5.0 now just looks, feel and fits like as if Android and Windows Phone App in your phone.

Skype unveils that the new version of Skype 5.0 is five times faster to share the images and stuff that inspires you a lot. Apart from this you can send the text, emoticons, audio and video messages. Note that the video call remains the same at the part of it.


You can feel that the new version of Skype 5.0 is five times faster than the old version application.


Skype 5.0 becomes smoother to swipe or scroll for recent, favourites, contacts and people conversations. This works without degrading the performance of your smartphone and works smoothly.


Now, iPhone users can chat in a group from the hub. When you send any text messages or photos it doesn't matter, even if the recipient is offline. The recipient can see the text messages or photos which you have sent once he goes online. It helps in loss of communication issues between the users.


We all now using the Skype on our Android, Windows and iOS phones, but soon we can be able to see the notifications on our PC and Xbox. The developers are working on the same to get more users to use their application.

Users can easily download the latest version of Skype 5.0 for Ios phone from iTunes. The application is built in a user-friendly way where it can work on all the Ios devices.

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