Have you ever heard of Self-Driving Car which can drive itself without any help of Steering. Here comes the amazing concept of 'Google's Self-Driving Car' which can use for Two People.
Google's New Self Driving Car With Two Seater And No Driver
Have you ever heard of Self-Driving Car which can drive itself without any help of Steering. Here comes the amazing concept of  'Google's Self-Driving Car' which can use for Two People. Come let's check out how and what technology was used to create the self driving-car.

Google's Self-Driving car is a project of Google, which was introduced in the year 2005 with a 'Darpa Grand Challenge'. Later on 28th May 2014, Google introduced the concept of 'Google's Self-Driving Car' which doesn't have a steering wheel to drive, brakes and accelerator.

This new concept of prototype car looks like a Toy Car which can be driven without Driver and Pedals. Inside the car, you can see a seat belt for two seater and sensors with on-board computers.

Sergey Ben, co-founder of Google announced about the 'Self-Driving Car' at the Recode conference held in San Francisco. He says that it's a Prototype version car, and plans to build a car after around 100 early versions of the vehicles by this summer. Google was testing the driver-less car technology vehicles made by Toyota and Lexus in the past five years on the highway and on the normal roads.

Google hopes that these new Self-Driving car becomes the Robo-Taxis at the US, which can help the people to travel from one place to another where there is a lack of transportation facility available.

The Google's new concept car includes an electric motor with a heavy use of foam and comes with lots of sensors and Self-Driving technology software built by Google. Google also introduced a new mechanism that can handle breaks, steering and acceleration by itself. The sensors used in this car can be able to see up to two football field distance objects. There is also a laser lantern on the top can look full 360-degrees view which is so much better than the old 12-degree view on the previous version.

The Self-Driving car speed is limited to 25 kilometers per hour which are good enough for many of the cities to prevent accidents. A demo video explains that previous how does it works and the amazing experience of the people who got a chance to step into the car.

Google's plans to release these types of cars to the customers but was waiting for the partner with the other established manufacturer companies. 

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