YouTube is the world`s popular video site, where people can view, share and upload videos which they have recorded or viral videos.

YouTube Crosses 1 Billion Monthly User Views
YouTube is the world`s popular video site, where people can view, share and upload videos which they have recorded or viral videos. YouTube was launched by Google to make the business work fine through a media. It even shares the income for the users who get top views.

YouTube says, more than 1 billion people are now visiting its online video site each month to watch some viral videos or clips of scenes, which they like around the world. YouTube’s evolution for a business is to start up developing their online business within a short span of time.

Media involve in their landscape to get some updated information for the people to improve them according to the new technology development.

YouTube crossed almost 1 billion thresholds in five months which is next to Facebook said its online social network.

The vast audience has given YouTube’s owner - Google has given another lucrative channel for selling online ads beyond its presiding Internet search engine. Google acquire YouTube for $1.76 billion when the video site had been launched with an estimated 50 million users worldwide.

Daily many people from different countries are viewing and uploading the videos, even some video content users are getting paid through Adsense for the views around the world.

As it was started in the year 2006, with the basic channel layout later after few updates, the new channel layout has been improved for owners to get their traffic and subscribers.

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