Most of the users around the world are using Gmail account in order to get secured and ease of access for any registrations or sign up`s.
Features Of Gmail's New Compose Pop Out Window
Most of the users around the world are using Gmail account in order to get secured and ease of access for any registrations or sign up`s. Gmail account is used to send receive and send emails through an email address. Even we can chat and to talk using the Gmail account to the person who is online.

Till now we were using the old mail-composition method to mail for our recipients, but now Google officially announces its new default chat-like composition pop out the window.

It was previewed for few months, since august and now it officially launches the simple and fastest composition windows for their users. Now users can easily compose a new mail and also can keep an eye on their inbox.

Best features of New Gmail's Compose

1. Minimize the Compose Tab

Users can now easily minimize their compose tab, to copy any text or information from a mail which is present in the inbox or stored in drafts to send it for their friends.

2. Multiple Drafts

If you want to text any mail from one account to another, having multiple drafts is convenient. You can easily compose a text to both emails at once.

3. Uninterrupted Background Activities

You can check whether any emails are updated in your account without any interruption.

4. Focused Interface

The interface is build in a simple way for users to upload their files by using the option which besides to send button.

5. Easy Switching between Two Interfaces

Do you want to change the Interface? You can easily change from new interface to old interface. On the right side of your emails, setting tab says that 'switch to old interface'.


Users can use the new compose pop out the window to make the work easy with a simple update.

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