Goa is a wonderful place to visit and well known for its beaches around and night-life. Soon, Goa beaches are going to Wi-Fi enabled zones and provides free service to the visitors.
Goa Government To Enable Wi-Fi Services At Beaches
Goa is a wonderful place to visit and well known for its beaches around and night-life. Soon, Goa beaches are going to Wi-Fi enabled zones and provides free service to the visitors.

Dilip Parulekar - Goa Tourism Minister says
Beaches in Goa will soon be Wi-Fi enabled zones and covered by closed-circuit television. And says thanks to Tourism Ministry's Swadesh Darshan Scheme under which Government has got 100 crore Indian rupees for this project.
Minister added, under this scheme many CCTV's would be installed around the beaches for strengthening the security.

Goa state attracts around 4 lakh tourists every year and includes half a million of tourists from abroad.

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