OLO is the first ever 3D printer that allows any Smartphone to work as a printer. The device is small, portable and works perfectly like professional and easy to use for users.
OLO is the first ever 3D printer that allows any Smartphone to work as a printer. The device is small, portable and works perfectly like professional and easy to use for users.

OLO has added the project on Kickstarter from March 21st 2016. OLO says
Can you imagine that being able to print 3D objects from your Smartphone at just $99?
OLO has made a debut in New York in October 2015, when it won the World Maker Faire Editors Choice Award. Then it has received many positive reviews from people all over the world.

What is OLO?

OLO means 3Democracy, the company claims that it is not just a device it is a game changer and says there are around 2.2 billion Smartphone users around the world who can use this product.

How OLO has been made?

After 2 years of hard work by reinventing mechanics, re-engineering microchips and discovering new-line materials called Daylight Resins. Finally OLO has come up beautifully with
  1. Clever Technology
  2. Cloud-based support
  3. Lightweight
  4. Noise Free
  5. Simple to use
  6. Stylish Design
  7. Social to Exchange and moreover
  8. Affordable and Inexpensive.

How much space it need to work?

OLO works perfectly will any Smartphone, any size and any brand. Even on large display devices like 5.5 inches and compatible with OS from Android, iOS and Windows systems.

How does it work?

All you need to do is just select the object on your Smartphone and place the OLO on the device and pour the resin of your choice. Then leave it to OLO, it does the rest.

The greatest is it is open-minded and compatible with a variety of free 3D apps. You can also choose different resins of colors to make the desired object using OLO.

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