YouTube has rolled out Blurring effect feature on this Thursday that can hide the moving object in the video. The tool can be used to hide sensitive objects or content that can be user private information.
YouTube Rolled Out Blur Effect Tool To Hide Moving Objects
YouTube has rolled out Blurring effect feature on this Thursday that can hide the moving object in the video. The tool can be used to hide sensitive objects or content that can be user private information.

This feature is available for the desktop users on YouTube. This tool will help video creators to hide the information such as private data, objects and sensitive content.

Creators can even draw a box on the objects to hide them and can move or resize the box. Then finally, you can preview the video to save the changes made on the video. YouTube privacy lead, Amanda Conway said on a blog post,
While the use of this tool is vast, we have built this feature with visual anonymity in mind. We wanted to provide a simple and easy way to blur things like people, contact information and financial data without having to remove or re-uploading the video content.
Most of the video creators have shifted to 3rd party video editor tools for hiding the objects. Now, this tool helps users to edit the videos from YouTube video creator and add custom blurring tool on the video.

We all knew that YouTube provides the best service for free to share or upload videos which can be stories, articles or tutorials.

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