A new web app can measure the things which are kept on your iPhone 6s screen. The app works with the help of gravity and shows you the approximate weight of the object.
Turn Your iPhone 6s Into A Measuring Scale
A new web app can measure the things which are kept on your iPhone 6s screen. The app works with the help of gravity and shows you the approximate weight of the object.

The app is available on the website of GitHub, where you need to open the link and keep the object as per the instructions given by the app or as per the above image to weigh the object. You need to tap on tare button then it will start showing the approximate weight which may be sometimes accurate and sometimes vary.

The users who like the technology related apps and interesting apps will have fun while using this app. This gravity app was introduced by Ryan McLead and was submitted to the apple app store but was rejected because it was not appropriate. There might also be another reason for rejecting the app that the device can get damaged when weighing objects which are more than 385 grams as per the results found on the web articles.

This app would be useful to you for weighing the small food particles or objects which you can't weight on big weighing machines.

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