Polyera is the Flexible display company and was founded in the year 2005. We all know that in 2013 Samsung electronics was working under flexible AMOLED displays around the Tech world and CES. The platform on which the wave based is known as 'Digital Fabric Technology'.
First Flexible Display Product In The World - Coming Soon
Polyera is the Flexible display company and was founded in the year 2005. We all know that in 2013 Samsung electronics was working under flexible AMOLED displays around the Tech world and CES. The platform on which the wave based is known as 'Digital Fabric Technology'.

There are many types of displays developed and introduced which are hard but not flexible in nature. The gadgets developed by Polyera are flexible for using as a fitness band and other digital fabric gadgets. The company has introduced a Wove e-ink display watch in this world for the first time which is flexible and hard in nature and has an ability to curve or bend.

A user can read the notifications day or night with 1024 by 200 pixels on display which is similar to Kindle, which means the user can simultaneously access to different applications on the band at the same time with low-power consumption. Polyera flexible displays working out the problem of bending displays, but the electronics on which the display is connected to. Polyera is making a consumer product which is called as "Wove Band", which will be like fitness band with E-ink display for low power consumption.

In the website, development of devices is clearly explained which leads users to various social digital pages. Samsung has come front with a flexible type of display on Samsung Galaxy Edge, but a new company named Polyera is promising more better displays by 2016.

The company is going on to bring next-generation of flexible electronics to the world. It has not yet announced the price, but it says that the cost will the below the least expensive apple watch. The developers are also working on the big applications on the coming Wave OS platform.

Hope this watch work fine and get introduced to the consumer market soon.

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