The great search engine Google has updated New Logo, featuring sans-serif font and more brighter colours than before. The company designs the new logo for users to experience the new brand look on all the devices and platforms.
Google's New Logo And Its Latest Unknown Features
The great search engine Google has updated New Logo, featuring sans-serif font and more brighter colours than before. The company designs the new logo for users to experience the new brand look on all the devices and platforms. The colours where the same as the old logo but the brightness and font change makes it to get a brand new look.

These days people use Google in many different devices, platforms and application. sometimes all in a single day. Today Google is introducing the new logo and identify the family that reflects its reality to show its magic even on the tiniest screen.

Google has changed a lot since from 17 years ago, in the development of applications and products. The company has changed few logos since from 1998, revealed the changes their channel videos. Google not only tells you that you are using it, but also shows you how it works for you. Google replaces the blue colour "G" in to four colour "G" and also changes the Google mic colour to identify and interact when you are talking, typing or tapping as below.
Google Advanced Features of New Logo Design

The new update is a great reflection that works on Maps, Search, Gmail, Chrome and many others. Google has created the logo not for present generation but also thinks for the future. As we all know that Google is the world most top searching engine, where we can find it as a homepage in all the devices and platforms.

Everyone will be attracted to the new updates that Google makes for their users. This is the first change we have seen after recruiting Sundar Pichai as a CEO for the company.Hope so there are few more advanced features, tools and things come on to this world that nobody has created before from Google.

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