BitTorrent is having the largest platform users and now it is trying increase more numbers of users with a new photo and video sharing paid application.
BitTorrent Shoot Introduces Cross-Platform Photo Sharing And Video Sharing Application
BitTorrent is having the largest platform users and now it is trying increase more numbers of users with a new photo and video sharing paid application. This application works in Android, iOS and Windows Phone which is nothing but called to be Cross Platform.

BitTorrent Shoot application is now available in PlayStore, Apple Store and Windows Phone Store. As a promotion, BitTorrent allows 3 free trail sharing and after that prompts to buy for $1.99, then it will become free version.

BitTorrent Shoot uses the same syncing engine BitTorrent Sync to share the photos and video directly to other devices without uploading or downloading to the cloud. BitTorrent allows you to share through cross-platform where you can share to any devices instantly.

BitTorrent describes the application as "east-to-use, private and fast". And it also explains clearly how to use the app and share the files using QR Codes to multiple devices.

BitTorrent launches this paid application with its Advanced Encryption Standard security service for the users who are looking for privacy.

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