Till date, we were doing all online transaction using the OTP (One Time Password) which is system generated and sent to the register mobile number.
Upcoming Selfie Protection Lock System For Online Transaction - MasterCard
Till date, we were doing all online transaction using the OTP (One Time Password) which is system generated and sent to the register mobile number. Still some of them are facing the issues with delay of OTP on their devices. MasterCard announced that the users will be soon able to do the online transactions using the new application in an easy way.

The working with this App is simple, you need to download the app and install in your device. Whenever transaction required you can pay the amount using fingerprint option or using selfie by blinking once.

MasterCard has created a facial blinking map protection system for their users, even if someone steal your ATM card and by starring a selfie of yours to unlock the transaction lock it doesn't work.

MasterCard has already put hands with Apple, Blackberry, Google, Samsung, and Microsoft to bring this technology to all the smartphones. Presently it is in talks with two Banks to laugh the pilot program with 500 customers. MasterCard planning to introduce voice and heartbeat technology if selfie-protection works perfectly.

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