Have you getting disturbed by unwanted calls from telemarketing. You have activated Do Not Disturb (DND) but getting the calls again and having a doubt whether you DND status is active or inactive?
Check Your Mobile Number Status Whether Do Not Disturb Active Or Inactive
Have you getting disturbed by unwanted calls from telemarketing. You have activated Do Not Disturb (DND) but getting the calls again and having a doubt whether you DND status is active or inactive? This post will guide in solving your entire problems from unwanted calls.

How to Know Your DND Status Using Mobile Phone:

You can make a call to 1909 to enquiry about the current DND status and know your NDNC registration date.

How to Check DND Status through Online:

It's a simple way to check the DND status online by just clicking this official link by entering your number.

To active you can simply check online about the number applicable for your network to apply DND. Hope you all have known DND status of your mobile phone number.

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