We have seen many of the internet connection networks, which are giving many offers and increasing more speed every year.
Top 10 Most Fastest Internet Connection Countries In The World
We have seen many of the internet connection networks, which are giving many offers and increasing more speed every year. The broadband service provider is increasing more and more but anyhow some of them becoming popular. The ranking was been given Akamai's global network till September 2013 from January 2013.

You can see that first four leading countries belong to Asia countries with a global average at 17.9 Mbps. As the traffic and providers are increased but the importance or ranking will be given to the highest speed generated in a country.

The following countries are listed as the high-speed internet connection provided in the world:

10. Belgium - approx. 38 Mbps

9. Netherlands - approx. 39 Mbps

8. Taiwan - approx. 42 Mbps

7. Latvia - approx. 43 Mbps

6. Romania - approx. 45 Mbps

5. Israel - approx. 47 Mbps

4. Singapore - approx. 50 Mbps

3. Japan - approx. 52 Mbps

2. South Korea - approx. 63 Mbps

1. Hong Kong - approx. 65 Mbps

Hope this internet speed comes near to our area and make us feel free and comfort to browse the Internet.

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