In this Tech savvy world, we have seen many apps which provide free call service through an internet connection.
Free Voice Calling Service From FreeKall Without Internet or Money
In this Tech savvy world, we have seen many apps which provide free call service through an internet connection. But now there is no Internet service or data or money required to make a 'FreeKall', here you can listen to the advertisements in calls. This idea has been coming from engineers of M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology and started the FreeKall service from Bangalore. doesn't require any internet connection or data pack service or money for free voice calls. It doesn't need a connection or data service because it will be incorporated with advertisements while calling to anyone.

How does it work?

Users can simply give a missed call or dial on 080-492-020-60 to get a free voice call service on any old mobile phone or on the latest smartphone. FreeKall works on all the devices. Once you answer the call you need to dial the recipient mobile with # after the last digit of the mobile number.

Users will hear an ad instead of ringtones on their mobile phone. After every 2 minute interval, you have to stop the conversation and start hearing the advertisements which all the best offer around you. Now it is offering credit for watching the video, installing the applications to get the desired credit amount mentioned and you can also buy the calling credits.

The service is currently under the beta stage where users can use 3min/day without any preregistration. When the user registers on the site he will be able to call to the recipient number up to 12 minutes. Once the beta stage is over then the user can start talking for free as long as he wants.

Hope this service would become more popular and we wish all the best for the creators and developers.

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