Google is a great company works for their users and always see that how they are getting comfort by their new inventions.
Google Now Let Users To Send Money Over Gmail Using Google Wallet
Google is a great company works for their users and always see that how they are getting comfort by their new inventions. This time Google is going to help their users to send or receive money using 'Google Wallet' through Gmail which is secured and protected to transfer or receive money.

Google announced that it has integrated Google Wallet into Gmail, to help users to send or money securely to friends and family. Right now US users are using this service from their Gmail Inbox.

The new feature works for US users over the age of 18 years in next few months. Users who are going to send or receive money should look the ($) icon in their inbox attachment options whenever the feature get enabled to their account.

Users need to set up the Google Wallet in order to send or share their money with their friends. He can just enter some text and click ($) icon to enter the money which you want to send, then just click send button and you can see a green icon saying 'Sent' that`s it.

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