WhatsApp Messenger one of the top online messaging application which has reached 1 billion users and running 1 billion active groups in the recent days. The company team members are enjoying the celebrations on their achievement.
Whatsapp Now Supports 256 Participants In A Group Chat
WhatsApp Messenger one of the top online messaging application which has reached 1 billion users and running 1 billion active groups in the recent days. The company team members are enjoying the celebrations on their achievement.

Now WhatsApp has released a new update that it has increased the group participant's count from 100 to 256 participants. This update has been rolled out to many of the Android and iOS users who have updated their app. You can download the app from the WhatsApp official website. Users can see the participant's count 256 as shown in the above image.

We personally have faced many issues from our train group which allowed only 100 participants. Many of the friends have requested an invite but have to reject or remove few old users who were not online or updated status since so few months.

This update is really going to help many of the people who are creating groups on WhatsApp Messenger. This also makes us interact with more a number of friends and colleagues who are around us on WhatsApp Messenger.

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