F-Band describes itself in a three words 'Wear It, Love it and Live It'. The product is availableon snapdeal at a price of Rs 1499 and looks simple, stylish and comfortable. The design is made for daily use where it looks like a normal digital watch and available in two variant colors. F-Band introduced to track your health and sleep. The features include:
Swipe Technologies has entered into the development of fitness products. The company has already release many of the mobile products and running the services to their users in India.
F-Band describes itself in a three words 'Wear It, Love it and Live It'. The product is availableon snapdeal at a price of Rs 1499 and looks simple, stylish and comfortable. The design is made for daily use where it looks like a normal digital watch and available in two variant colors. F-Band introduced to track your health and sleep. The features include:
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