GooglePlay store now allows users to use promo codes for buying paid apps which are created by developers. Developers will give only limited access to the free users whereas to enjoy all the features users have to use promo codes or buy the apps.
GooglePlay Store Now Allows Promo Codes To Buy Paid Apps
GooglePlay store now allows users to use promo codes for buying paid apps which are created by developers. Developers will give only limited access to the free users whereas to enjoy all the features users have to use promo codes or buy the apps.

Google has put a condition for developers on the number of promo codes for users. However the developers can create only 500 promo codes per app and can use them in 6 months. If there are any unused codes left them they can use then for next 6 months.

Many developers were waiting for the arrival of promo codes for android as the feature was already available for iOS users for quite some time. And now the promo codes are come by default will be active for one year only.

The only reason that Google keep out the promo codes can be the affect of revenue on paid apps. We all know that any company allows users to buy them means they make revenue on that apps. And by giving free promo codes can minimise the revenue which was generated by paid apps.

In this way the developers can gain more users for making them to buy the apps for free using certain promo codes.

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