Marshmallow 6.0 is a new android version available for most of the Smartphone users. We have seen Kitkat and Lollipop which were having lots of bugs and issues.
Why Smartphone Brands Are Going For Marshmallow Update
Marshmallow 6.0 is a new android version available for most of the Smartphone users. We have seen Kitkat and Lollipop which were having lots of bugs and issues. This time, Google has developed a perfect Marshmallow 6.0 android version update that can solve most the Smartphone problems.

The new Marshmallow has more advanced features when compared with Kitkat and Lollipop but the interface and design look similar to the previous versions. This version makes you experience more fun and secure with the built-in features.

Presently only a few mobile phones manufactured companies support Marshmallow 6.0 update and rest have been still under Kitkat and Lollipop. May be next few years they are going to update their Smartphone users to Marshmallow. Let's check out what are the new features of Marshmallow 6.0

App Permissions

The application permissions have been completely mended in Marshmallow version. Now you can manage the permissions for individual apps, if you have not given permission for an app to access the camera and when you try to open the system will prompt you like 'allow access to this application'. You can go to setting and turn on or off the permission which really helps in securing the data from the applications.

Doze Mode

Doze mode is nothing but improving battery life of your Smartphone. Most of the users complain about their phone battery with unpredictable standby times. The battery drain starts when we don't close the background running apps which can affect the performance of the phone. The Doze technology learns over time and detects that your phone is motionless, and then it will go to deep sleep mode. This will not only help you but also help your device from battery drain issues,

Now on Tap

This feature helps you to open smart assistant Google Now when you tap on screen even when you are doing something. Long pressing the home button will take you to Google now and now it will start to analyze the things. If you receive an SMS from your friend asking shall we go to any restaurant which is popular it will analyze the text and display results accordingly.

Fingerprint Support

You might have seen this feature which is built by vendors and Marshmallow supports Fingerprint on phones natively now. This support not only used for unlocking your phone but also helps do payments securely which seems to be different. This feature will help other Smartphone manufacturers to include the fingerprint scanners on their devices.

Automatic Backup and Restore

This is a great feature where every user likes to have on their Smartphone and will auto backup the apps and app settings onto your Google Drive with a limit of 25 MB per app. The backup once in a day and can run only when the phone is idle when connected to Wi-Fi to avoid battery drain and data charges, This way you can restore your phone whenever you're doing some software updates.

We have found these 5 highlight features that can move the mobile phone brand manufactures to go for Marshmallow update.

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