Facebook has roll out auto-play videos feature recently which starts playing when you stop at the video. This feature looks good for few and annoying for some users.
How To Turn Off Auto Play Videos In Facebook
Facebook has roll out auto-play videos feature recently which starts playing when you stop at the video. This feature looks good for few and annoying for some users.

This feature really makes lose your mobile internet data. Every user wants to save his internet data by browsing, but these auto-play videos will not support you in doing so. On the other side, those who are using low internet speed cannot browse the news feed comfortably.

We can turn off this feature easily on our Facebook and turn on when you wish for. You can see that this feature is running on all the devices. So we need to do the following steps to turn off in every type of device.

Turn off Auto Play in Facebook:

You can easily turn off this feature on your Laptop or Desktop from Facebook settings.
  1. Log in to Facebook account.
  2. Then go to setting by clicking on the top right arrow.
  3. Now click on videos option.
  4. There you can see the turn off option click off to stop videos loading on your news feed.
  5. Check back on your news feed whether the feature is working or not.
If you wish to play the videos you can click to start watching them. Similarly, follow the same procedure to turn off the auto-play videos feature on iOS or Android.

I hope this tutorial will help you if any help required please comment below.

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