Chennai Cooperation has shared the private details of the people who born in Chennai since 1910 on their website. There was no user verification check was found before downloading the certificates online.
Chennai Corporation Website Shared All Birth And Death Certificates Online
Chennai Cooperation has shared the private details of the people who born in Chennai since 1910 on their website. There was no user verification check was found before downloading the certificates online.

The details regarding birth and death certificates are available to everyone who can surf the web all over the world with the help of any random date of birth of female, male or both. The certificates are downloadable in the form of PDF file with a download link on the side of the details.

This breach was found on many of the online articles, as per the information we have gone through the Chennai Corporation  website and found that there are no user verification checks like phone number, father name, mother name, registration number or place of birth to download the certificates.

By this post, we request the authorities to remove these links right away or add an encryption system with the above-mentioned details. So that users can verify and confirm the details to download the certificates online easily.

By this post, we inform all the users whoever have the private data of the people should check once while sharing something online to the public.

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