Amazon planned 2 years back to introduce a drone that can fly to deliver the products. Now Amazon has revealed a new prototype 'Octocopter', which weighs only 50 pounds and land or take off like a helicopter.
Amazon Showcase A New Prototype Of Delivery Drone
Amazon planned 2 years back to introduce a drone that can fly to deliver the products. Now Amazon has revealed a new prototype 'Octocopter', which weighs only 50 pounds and land or take off like a helicopter. If the speed of 55 miles per hour as per the footage comes in handy then Amazon can deliver the products to its customers within 30 minutes.

Octocopter means it has eight propellers in which one at the back works as a pusher motor to move and whereas other propellers will be active during the take off and landing. This drone has a 'sense and avoid' technology which can easily land the products on your backyard.

For example,
If the drone goes for a delivery in your backyard and a dog is staring into its landing area then it will land only if the coast is clear.
As per the video, it can fly up to 400 feet height and can go with a speed of 15 miles per hour. It uses 'sense and avoid' technology to avoid damages on the ground or in the air. The system will deliver a acceptance notification to your mobile for the clearance of landing in your backyard. Once it receives the clearance, it goes back to vertically to scan the landing area. Then it will land slowly and delivers the product and fly away at the same altitude.

Amazon clearly said that this is a prototype is a replica and not the original drone which is under developing stage thinking about the large delivery packages. Larger drones can be made and sent for delivery but if any collision happens then it may harm people or place.

Amazon says it will launch the Prime Air drone once it gets regulatory support and can operate safely beyond the line of sight.

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