Bitwalking launches a new money making app that generates dollars for you when you walk. Bitwalking has aimed to convert each and every step of an individual.
Generate Money By Walking Using Bitwalking Dollars - Request Invite
Bitwalking launches a new money making app that generates dollars for you when you walk. Bitwalking has aimed to convert each and every step of an individual. The company co-founder Franky Imbesi say that "a step worth the same value for all no matter who you are and where you are from.

Most people are unable to generate money with the digital currencies, unlike others Bitwalking makes you reach next level.

Bitwalking request invite allows everyone to use the app for making dollars into their accounts, also to manage and use it properly. The money you generate will be in your until you claim or used up The app also connects with the third party partners for shopping, local business, charities and local governments.

An individual will start generating 1 BW$ money for around 10000 steps(approx. 7.7 miles) you walk. Presently, the project has start off to work in four countries Japan, Kenya, Malawi and UK. Individuals from other countries can also request an invite to download the application at official website, only selected will get the chance.

Bitwalking shall help an individual in generating money who are walking long distances for studies or working. It is very easy for users to fake accelerometers, so the company has manifested to launch the app with a limit of 30,000 steps per day i.e. 3 BW$. Any individual put to use more than one account will be banned.

The company has partnered with Murata, to create a fitness band that can track the steps on the smartphone using GPS position with the accessible data or internet connection. The company is working to begin the application soon globally where everyone can start earning for the steps he walks.

Please share your comments about the Bitwalking app and let us how the app is working and how much useful it is for you in generating money.

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