Grass made back case for your smartphone-environmentally is it true? Will that happen? Yes, it can be designed or created. A colonist called, 'Designed Works' has been tested on a mobile phone which was composed of totally recycled and natural products.
Grass Made Back Case for Your Smartphone - Environmentally
Grass made back case for your smartphone-environmentally is it true? Will that happen? Yes, it can be designed or created. A colonist called, 'Designed Works' has been tested on a mobile phone which was composed of totally recycled and natural products.

"Sean Miles", the inventor has manage to create the recycled smartphone case by using grass. It looks really neat and would stand out before any case.

The grass used for preparing the case was cast in a mold with recycled resin and then baked for 24 hours to create the smooth eco-friendly case for a smartphone.

"This composite material creates a carbon fibre thing" - Sean Miles, that can be used as an alternative to plastic injection moulding. You can see the sample photo of the environmental friendly back case.

If this product is out for sale in the next coming days, it will definitely get good sales by the eco-friendly lovers like us.

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