Liked a perfect part in a video on YouTube, want to share which you have liked the basic part to anyone is usually an impossible thing.
How To Easily Share A Perfect Part Of YouTube Video
Liked a perfect part in a video on YouTube, want to share which you have liked the basic part to anyone is usually an impossible thing. But now this tip will help on how to share the perfect part without skipping the old part on YouTube videos.

Now you can simply use this sharing shortcut to send it to anyone, whom you liked with a perfect short of a video.

Steps To Send The Perfect Part Of A Video On YouTube:

1. Find a good video and skip a head near to portion which you like the most.

2. Go to the link on the address bar and at the end of the link or URL add the letter shown in the image.

Share A Perfect Part Of YouTube Video

3. At this instant of time, you can change the perfect time also as you like before you send or share this link to your friend.

4. Now share the link which you have edited as explained in step 2 and it will start at the perfect time which you have mentioned before in minutes and seconds on your friend address bar.

Hope you like this post and started sharing the perfect short in a video which you like the most.

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