Facebook has introduced a new advanced 'Facebook Graph Search' feature. This helps users to find more relevant search results in the search bar on all the Facebook pages.
Facebook Graph Search Rolls Out for US Users This Week
Facebook has introduced a new advanced 'Facebook Graph Search' feature. This helps users to find more relevant search results in the search bar on all the Facebook pages. Recently it appeared for all the users who have switched on to 'US English' setting.

Facebook website is being improved and designed for the perfect user-friendly look. This feature was been used by many of the users to help the company on improving its product. Users can get accurate results from this new Graph Search feature from their user account and pages. This feature will start showing the relevant suggestions, once the user begins searching for anything on the search bar.

After the beta version rolls out to users it can show more accurate and relevant suggestions for the users. Facebook is also working on making posts or status updates and comments searchable. Developers are also working on the mobile version too.

Graph search is not a 'web search' it is just introduced to make results appear perfect and absolute for the users. Facebook prompt their users to protect their information on what they share and show as public. It shows an alert on the right-hand side once a new feature enables users.

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