We use multiple user accounts for the website to log in, we use some tips and tricks to manage and protect our account passwords.
How To Protect Your User Account
We use multiple user accounts for the website to log in, we use some tips and tricks to manage and protect our account passwords. Creating a perfect password is easy for a user but making sure that it is not created with the single word from any dictionary. A user can be able to create a password with numbers, alphabets, and special characters.

Some of the users just create passwords with the name present in their email Id. Users create passwords to protect and safeguard their account from viral suspicious attacks.

Best way to protect your User Account:

We create our passwords with more secure words and numbers but sometimes we even get hacked or forget these types of passwords. A user has to create the passwords with the following things:
  • Digits
  • Alphabets(Capital and Small letters) and
  • Punctuation marks. 
Using all these three methods, we get the account get protected from the hackers and suspicious people. As the administrators and website owners protect their sites with the best security certificates and servers. Always try to change your account passwords in a month for better password protection. We also have a chance to protect accounts by enabling 2-way verification process.

Eg:  Abc@123

Remembering passwords is the most important thing for a user, if not you have to add a security question with the best answer that you can remember. See that you never get fed up losing and recovering your passwords for an account.

Better to create the same security password for multiple accounts but the see whether that the password must be so big with unique letters, digits and punctuation marks.

For an easy purpose create a notepad or word document, write the details of your accounts and save it anywhere on your computer so that no one can steal your documents and passwords.

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