Facebook is one of the popular social network in this world. It is having huge number of users who visit daily and register daily.

Facebook Auto Play Video Ads Are Coming Soon
Facebook is one of the popular social network in this world. It is having huge number of users who visit daily and register daily. It is in the top position with billions of visits around the world. Facebook is now planning to launch auto-play video ads in your news feed without any sound.

Facebook ads are going to begin this summer in your news feed. The ads will be auto-play and they are limited up to 15 seconds. The ads in your news feed are from different brands, will only play one brand per day.

If user is interested in viewing the ad, he have the ability to turn on sound which will begin from the beginning. As the ads from different top brands and sponsors (American Express, Unilever, Ford and etc..,) are confirmed by Facebook.

This ads will definitely improve the Facebook earnings as the time they appear in the user news feed. This may be plus for Facebook, but many of the users will hate this ads appearing in their news feed.

Till now we have seen the video ads from YouTube and now we are going to see the ads from Facebook.

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